Instructions to Patients after Dental Surgery or Extractions
General points
- Do not rinse your mouth for the next three hours; if you do rinse, the clot of blood may be washed away and bleeding may start again.
- Do not take violent exercise or excessive amounts of alcohol for the remainder of the day — if you do the socket may start bleeding again.
- If bleeding does occur place a wad of clean damp gauze or a folded clean handkerchief across the socket and bite on it for thirty minutes.
- If excessive bleeding occurs after carrying out instruction #3, you should contact the Practice on 0121 687 8882 or visit the nearest Hospital Accident & Emergency department.
- If you experience severe pain after more than twenty four hours, return to the dental practice, or contact the Practice on the above telephone number.
Pain relief
- Take the first dose of analgesic of your choice – either paracetamol or nurofen (Ibuprofen) is usually sufficient – before the local anaesthetic wears off, usually within one hour after the procedure. Follow the dosage stated on the packet.
- If you do not obtain satisfactory relief of your pain, contact the Dental Practice for advice.
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- Hot salt water mouth baths should be started three hours after the extractions, but not before.
- Fill a tumbler with water, which should be as hot as you can hold in your mouth.
- Put one flat teaspoonful of salt into the water, and stir well.
- Take a mouthful of this water, and hold it over the sore part. Keep it there or half a minute. Do not swallow.
- After half a minute empty the mouth and repeat until the glass is empty.
Do this after every meal for two to three days. Make sure the water is hot, but be careful not to burn yourself. If the mouth-rinse stings, you should use less salt.
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Your Diet during the immediate Post-Operative Phase
Eat soft foods, such as rice, well-cooked vegetables and meat. Remove the crusts from bread if desired, or try a purée of your normal diet.
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